Thousands protest against Conseratives, angry over Conserative gouverment policies.  Artists, unions and social groups marched in downtown Montreal. One major issue is the governments cuts to the arts and culture. Paul Piche sings for the crowd gathered at Place-des-Arts after the march. Sunday October 5th  2008..Artistes, syndicats et groupe sociaux manifeste contre les politiques Conservatrice de Stephen Harper. Plus de 5,000 personnes sont rassemblées au centre-ville de Montreal. Paul Piche  chante pour la foule
paul piche_0357.jpg
Thousands protest against Conseratives, angry over Conserative gouverment policies. Artists, unions and social groups marched in downtown Montreal. One major issue is the governments cuts to the arts and culture. Paul Piche sings for the crowd gathered at Place-des-Arts after the march. Sunday October 5th 2008..Artistes, syndicats et groupe sociaux manifeste contre les politiques Conservatrice de Stephen Harper. Plus de 5,000 personnes sont rassemblées au centre-ville de Montreal. Paul Piche chante pour la foule

Filename: paul piche_0357.JPG
Size: 2336x3504 / 4.4MB
Date: 5 Oct 2008
Location: Montreal Quebec Canada
Credit: Richard Prudhomme
Model Release: No
Property Release: No
Restrictions: e-mail me for a price quote and details;
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  • march
  • protest
  • people
  • politics
  • montreal
  • federal
  • conservatives
  • Harper
  • city
  • downtown
  • Paul Piche
  • singer
  • guitar
  • artist
  • quebec
  • personality
  • french
  • francophone